REACHnet collaborates with partners locally and nationwide on patient-centered research. Here are a few of our projects.
The Louisiana Pregnancy Registry serves as a source of health data on pregnant and birthing people in Louisiana since 2016. The registry collects and combines data from participating health systems to enable large-scale analysis of maternal health indicators. Currently, Ochsner Health System and Tulane Health System contribute data to the pregnancy registry. The pregnancy registry is coordinated by REACHnet and is led by a committee of partners working in maternal and child health.
Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER) is a national research program to define, treat, and prevent the long-term effects of COVID-19. The RECOVER EHR initiative is analyzing electronic health record (EHR) data from health systems nationwide to investigate “Long COVID” (also known as PASC or Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19). The goal is to describe the symptoms and effects of Long COVID, determine who is at risk of Long COVID, and identify what medications prevent it or treat its symptoms.
REACHnet partnered with University of Florida on the pCSK9 study which used electronic health record data to characterize the early utilization of PCSK9 inhibitors in addition to standard lipid lowering therapies among patients with varying degrees of cardiovascular risk. Data for this study were collected from eighteen geographically diverse healthcare systems. Results and publications are available on the study page on PCORI’s website.
CEPIO-D is a prospective randomized trial that compares the effectiveness of combinatorial PGx-guided treatment versus best practice guideline-based treatment on well-being and depression severity in patients with major depressive disorder. REACHnet’s partner health system, University Medical Center New Orleans, is participating.
The Adult Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD) study is led by the Louisiana Public Health Institute in partnership with Children’s National Hospital and seeks to establish a congenital heart disease (CHD) surveillance program through PCORnet. The project aims to understand the impact of gaps in recommended care for CHD patients and create a cohort of patients of various CHD disease subtypes for prospective studies. Participating REACHnet sites include Ochsner Health and University of California at San Francisco.
REACHnet led a rapid cycle project titled “Using PCORnet to Monitor Provider and Patient Risk Factors Related to the Opioid Epidemic” to create an opioid surveillance database and address current gaps in access to clinical data necessary for timely surveillance, prevention, and intervention. The database includes information from electronic health records, insurance claims, state information about prescription medicines, drug test results, and information about people’s cause of death. Results and publications are available on the study page on PCORI’s website.
The ABX Study examined the effects of antibiotic use in the first two years of life on body mass index (BMI) at ages 5 and 10 years and on growth trajectories to age 5. The observational study used electronic health record (EHR) data for over 362,000 patients from 35 participating healthcare organizations nationwide. Data were collected through the PCORnet distributed research infrastructure from several clinical research networks (CRNs), including REACHnet. Results and publications are available on the study page on PCORI’s website.
The PCORnet Bariatric Study compared benefits and risks of the three most common bariatric surgery procedures—Roux-en-y gastric bypass, adjustable gastric banding, and sleeve gastrectomy. The observational study used electronic health record (EHR) data for over 65,000 patients from 41 participating healthcare organizations across the country. Data were collected through the PCORnet distributed research infrastructure from several clinical research networks (CRNs), including REACHnet. Results and publications are available on the study page on PCORI’s website.
The BP Control Lab, led by the University of California at San Francisco, involves three studies. The first describes blood pressure control in the United States using electronic health records from health systems across the country. The second investigates blood pressure control at clinics that receive educational materials about blood pressure control guidelines and seeks to compare blood pressure control between clinics that do or not have extra support from an AMA-Trained site facilitator to improve their clinic processes and monitor how well clinics are controlling blood pressure. The third compares blood pressure control between patients who receive a home blood pressure monitor with and without a smartphone app.
The Multi-state EHR-based Network for Disease Surveillance (MENDS) is a CDC-funded initiative that seeks to test an automated chronic disease surveillance system using data routinely stored in health records to provide clinically detailed, efficient, and timely information from large, diverse populations with minimal added work and cost for health departments or clinicians.
The Healthcare Worker Exposure Response & Outcomes (HERO) study is a registry of over 45,000 healthcare workers nationwide. The study seeks to understand healthcare workers’ perspectives and experiences related to the COVID-19 pandemic by regularly collecting short surveys about current topics like vaccination, stress and burnout. The HERO Registry is open to anyone in the U.S. who works in any kind of first responder or healthcare setting.
LEAD-ZDC is a prospective observational study to assess the effectiveness of zero-dollar copayment for select common diabetes medications on patients’ medication adherence, blood glucose (A1c) control, diabetes complications, and healthcare utilization. Tulane University is leading the study in collaboration with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana and REACHnet partners in Louisiana.
The purpose of PREVENTABLE is to learn if taking a statin could help older adults (age 75+) stay healthy and extend longevity by preventing dementia, disability, or heart disease. PREVENTABLE is enrolling 20,000 participants nationwide through REACHnet partners—Ochsner Health, Baylor Scott & White, and DHR Health—and many other health systems across the country.
GUARDD-US is a pragmatic clinical trial enrolling patients of African ancestry with hypertension. Participants receive apolipoprotein L1 (APOL1) genetic testing, which will return APOL1 genetic risk information to patients and their primary care providers. The trial seeks to determine if access to this risk information impacts systolic blood pressure (SBP). REACHnet participants include University Medical Center New Orleans and Baylor Scott & White Health and Wellness Center.
The COVID-19 Citizen Science Study is recruiting patients into a digital cohort of “COVID-19 Citizen Scientists,” to link patient-reported data with electronic health records to evaluate the impact of shelter-in-place policies and disease containment strategies. The University of California at San Francisco is leading the study in partnership with Louisiana Public Health Institute and REACHnet partner health systems Ochsner Health and Baylor Scott & White.
ADAPTABLE is a clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of 81mg versus 325mg daily doses of aspirin to prevent heart attack and stroke in people living with heart disease. Results are now available on the study website. The nonprofit Clinical Research Forum selected the PCORI-funded ADAPTABLE—the first large-scale study of aspirin dosing to be embedded in real-world practice—to receive one of its 2022 Top Ten Clinical Research Achievement Awards.
The LEAD Study is a prospective observational study examining the impacts of Medicare reimbursement for non-face-to-face chronic care management services on health outcomes among patients with type 2 diabetes. Tulane University is leading this project in collaboration with REACHnet partners in Louisiana.
REACHnet is a Clinical Research Network in PCORnet® which has been developed with funding from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute® (PCORI®). REACHnet’s participation in PCORnet is funded through PCORI Award (RI-LPHI-01-MC). Our mission is to enable the conduct of multi-site research with enhanced efficiency in real-world healthcare delivery systems. REACHnet includes electronic health record data for over 6 million patients from multiple partner health systems. We support research collaborations and community engagement for observational studies and interventional trials that seek to answer questions of critical importance to patients and the healthcare community.